
Manage Cloud

Ensure efficient, secure, and cost-effective cloud operations

Get All What You Need to Maximize Your Cloud Efficiency

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, managing cloud infrastructure efficiently is crucial for business success. At USU, we understand the complexities and challenges of cloud management. Whether you're planning to migrate to the cloud, need reliable support to run your cloud, or need to optimize your cloud spend – we offer a range of products and services to support with that.

Migrate to the Cloud Successfully

Businesses face uncertainties in cloud migration, including cost and data privacy risks, and application suitability. These challenges necessitate careful planning to align IT infrastructure with specific business needs.
Whether you need to evaluate the cloud readiness of your infrastructure, select appropriate cloud models and providers, or perform the actual transition, there are many traps you can fall into. Wrong decisions can lead to serious consequences and threaten your cloud strategy. This is especially true if you lack the resources to handle these crucial tasks alongside your daily business. We at USU are here to help.


Run the Cloud Efficiently

Managing hundreds or even thousands of cloud services from various providers can be daunting. Provisioning and deprovisioning process need to run fast and reliably, cloud services need to be monitored, and costs need to be controlled and charged back.

You won’t be able to perform these tasks fast and reliably without automation. USU offers a range of products to support you with that.

USU IT Monitoring - Cloud Monitoring

Optimize Your Cloud Spend

Major challenges in managing your cloud spend include lack of visibility, unpredictable costs, resource sprawl, complex environments, and governance issues. Cloud costs often rise steadily, while business outcomes lag behind.

Addressing these requires improved visibility, governance, automation, and skills. USU offers a range of tools and services to support with that.

Cloud Migration

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We look forward to answering your questions and requests as quickly as possible.