ST18-3 Key Implementation Aspects for Oracle

This training enables you to understand the Oracle licensing rules and metrics. You will learn how to collect and process the software raw inventory in USU License Management.
Content/Learning Objectives:
Get an overview about the Oracle products, with focus on Oracle Database and WebLogic
  • Learn about different License types and Contract types and how to set them up in USU License Management
  • Get to know the different Oracle Metrics and how the Metric Engines of USU License Management handle them
  • Learn about the License requirements for Backup, Failover and Standby scenarios
  • Get to know the process steps of an Oracle Audit
  • Use Review Lite and specific scripts to collect Raw Inventory

Prior knowledge: You should be familiar with the general use of USU License Management; e.g. prior attendance of the course “ST03-1 USU License Management - End User Training” is recommended.