ST35-3 USM Admin: Authorization

In this training you will learn how to create and edit a business view with Smart Tiles and InfoObjects. You will learn how to create users with assigned groups and roles and how to design these roles
Content/Learning Objectives:
  • Creating and editing Business Views, Smart Tiles and InfoObjects including rolling out the definitions.
  • Working with the User Manager: Creating and managing users, groups and roles
  • Rights management: Creating a role concept with multiple roles
  • Transferring customizations using the Customization Transfer Manager
Prior knowledge:
  • Participation in training USM Admin: Customizing
​​​​Target group:
  • System managers
  • Systems administrators
Dates de formation
Date Site Language Max. Participants Open seats Prix par personne
24 avr 2025 Virtual Classroom (Germany) German 8 8 900 EUR Réserver maintenant